Unsere Expertise

Tailor Made Assessment Centre

Customised to your needs and targets

The tailor made assessment centre is a group procedure. It is used to assess suitability and supports decisions in staff selection and potential assessment on all levels from talents to middle management.
Tailor made assessment centres are assessed for your individual situations, your questions and your expectations. Therefore, the performance duration and number of participants and observers fluctuates. Frequently, 6-12 persons are observed by 2-5 assessors on 1-3 days.

These assessment centres are made up of different tasks adjusted to the target, such as management and conflict interviews, cooperative and competitive group discussions, presentations, analytics tests, case study, etc.

The written report and feedback interviews serve as a decision-making help and thus offer the possibility of securing staff and promotion decisions for larger groups as well as to use corporate potentials in the best possible fashion.

Contact us non-committally. We will gladly offer you detailed information on the assessment centre.

Contact us!

Prisma World AG
Mühlebachstrasse 70
CH-8008 Zürich

E-Mail: info@prisma-world.ch

Tel. +41 44 350 14 14

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