Unsere Expertise

Selection / Recruiting / Onboarding (“triad”)

Employing the right person is decisive for your company’s success. Wrong decisions are expensive: Missed opportunities, fluctuation and mis-decision costs. The Prisma World tools support you in selection.


  • Personality / basic profile:
    Clear and well-structured personality analysis
  • Requirements / success profile:
    Targeted requirements profile of the job, hard factors and soft factors
  • (Multiple) matching:
    Automatic comparison of basic and success profile (actual and target comparison)
  • Interview guidelines:
    Specific guidelines adjusted to company or job requirements
  • Team profiles:
    Analyse team matching holistically, complete missing properties and skills

Additional features

  • Cockpit / HR Analytics:
    Assessments, analyses, process controlling
  • Organisation structure:
    Getting an overview, org.00view and tree view, export into Visio
  • Job description:
    Complete, linked and simply generated

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Contact us!

Prisma World AG
Mühlebachstrasse 70
CH-8008 Zürich

E-Mail: info@prisma-world.ch

Tel. +41 44 350 14 14

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«Prisma World passt sich unseren Bedürfnissen an – weltweit!»

«Um sicherzustellen, dass die richtigen Personen am richtigen Ort eigesetzt werden, verlässt sich X-rite global auf das Persönlichkeitsprofil von Prisma World.

Unsere Mitarbeitende nutzen Prisma World in ihrer Landessprache. Ob Deutsch, English, oder Chinesisch – Prisma World passt sich unseren Anforderungen an!»

Hanspeter Simmer
HR Manager Europe,
X-Rite Europe GmbH

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