Unsere Expertise


Check-up – An Investment into a Sustainable Future that Will Pay off.

The earlier an interference is recognised and tackled, the larger the changes for success. Our check-ups are aligned with recognising risks as early on as possible. If intervention is required, we will develop effective measures for you. For this, you have a network of more than 30 specialists available.

Our check-ups on a single glance:

HR-ripeness degree meter

Our ripeness model holistically records the performance capacity of the HR area, conveys a mutual vision for HR experts and the line, shows potential for improvement and offers the framework for periodization of measures.

Professional online surveys with full service

We support you with our experience in the design, implementation an follow-up of:

  • Supervisor assessments (also 360°-feedback)
  • Employee surveys
  • Customer surveys
  • Guest surveys

Focus groups – Stakeholders turn into strategy consultants.

In an interdisciplinary focus group with customers, decision-makers, suppliers, experts from the industry and employees, new customer needs are recognised and inputs for strategy decisions and optimisation processes are found.

Optimized Workforce Positioning (OWP)

By simple and fair assessment of performance in a larger group of employees, the objective decision-making basics are formed for:

  • A workforce portfolio and best positioning of the employees
  • Change management / company integration after handover
  • Restructuring (staff selection / newplacement)
  • Targeted employee development
  • Due diligence / management audit

Contact us!

Prisma World AG
Mühlebachstrasse 70
CH-8008 Zürich

E-Mail: info@prisma-world.ch

Tel. +41 44 350 14 14

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«Um sicherzustellen, dass die richtigen Personen am richtigen Ort eigesetzt werden, verlässt sich X-rite global auf das Persönlichkeitsprofil von Prisma World.

Unsere Mitarbeitende nutzen Prisma World in ihrer Landessprache. Ob Deutsch, English, oder Chinesisch – Prisma World passt sich unseren Anforderungen an!»

Hanspeter Simmer
HR Manager Europe,
X-Rite Europe GmbH

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