Unsere Expertise

Position Determination

Identifying strengths and weaknesses

Do you have a specific individual development objective or a question within your professional career and are looking for an objective outside view and linked business know-how? Are you at a professional crossroads and uncertain of how to continue? Use our many years of experience in the assessment area as a benchmark. Site determination permits you to identify your strengths and weaknesses and derive suitable development measures. Ideal for personal securing of your future! Contact us non-committally. We will gladly offer you detailed information on the position determination. 

Contact us!

Prisma World AG
Mühlebachstrasse 70
CH-8008 Zürich

E-Mail: info@prisma-world.ch

Tel. +41 44 350 14 14

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Hanspeter Simmer
HR Manager Europe,
X-Rite Europe GmbH

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