Unsere Expertise


Validated Statements Increase Safety

Make your selection and subsidy decisions based on reliable, indicative and validated data and statement of our assessments. 

Reasons for a Prisma World Assessment

  • Precisely recorded requirements
    Differentiated situation analysis for determination of personality features relevant for success with the Prisma Worldsuccess profile
  • Aligned with your needs
    We coordinate with you on everything from determination of the assessment type, the task, to your possible observer role during the assessment to the form of discussion of the results.
  • Clear statements
    with a high significance in clear language as a basis for your targeted HR decisions
  • Qualified, experienced experts
    Our assessors are trained psychologists/business managers with deep assessment experience and therefore just the right sparring partners for important decisions.
  • High validity
    that we measure every year with our service and quality reviews (link to safety)
  • Scientifically well-founded
    Due to own research work, precisely assessed experience of many years and scientific cooperation with the university of Bern (regular validation studies)
  • Quickly available, flexible and reliable
    Due to the large assessor pool, consistent procedure and standardised processes, you will receive your reports after no more than 48 hours.
  • No administrative effort
    We organise the assessments. You do not need to do anything for them.
  • We speak several languages
    D, E, F, I

Contact us!

Prisma World AG
Mühlebachstrasse 70
CH-8008 Zürich

E-Mail: info@prisma-world.ch

Tel. +41 44 350 14 14

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«Prisma World passt sich unseren Bedürfnissen an – weltweit!»

«Um sicherzustellen, dass die richtigen Personen am richtigen Ort eigesetzt werden, verlässt sich X-rite global auf das Persönlichkeitsprofil von Prisma World.

Unsere Mitarbeitende nutzen Prisma World in ihrer Landessprache. Ob Deutsch, English, oder Chinesisch – Prisma World passt sich unseren Anforderungen an!»

Hanspeter Simmer
HR Manager Europe,
X-Rite Europe GmbH

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